For most college students, establishing credit is essential while managing monthly expenses. Imagine the excitement of effortlessly covering your regular bills and earning points that can turn into an epic summer getaway! By choosing the right credit card, students can start building their credit history, enjoy valuable rewards, and learn financial responsibility. With various cards offering cashback, travel rewards, and special bonuses tailored for students, it's easier than ever to find a card that fits your lifestyle and goals. Explore your options and take the first step towards financial independence and rewarding experiences.
Earn points on rent at any apartment.
Pay rent and earn points at any apartment without the transaction fee.
Get double points on the 1st!
Earn even more on Rent Day with 6X on dining, 4X on travel, and 2X on other purchases (except rent).
Redeem the most valuable rewards
Bilt Points ranked as the most valuable rewards points (above Amex Membership Rewards and Chase Ultimate Rewards).
Whether it is to get cash back or travel rewards, Discover is here for you. With zero annual fee, 5% back on purchases and many other benefits, the Discover credit card is a very friendly card for students working on establishing credit history.
Become an authorized user on your parents accounts
With your parents' consent, they can add you as an authorized user on their high-tier credit cards. This step will pave the way for you to establish a credit history before you're prepared to apply for your very own credit card. Whether it is in the Amex gold for groceries and restaurants, or the Chase Sapphire for anything else, this could help build your credit. Personally I am planning on adding my child to my fee free cards as soon as he is of age.
I Travel with Laura
California, United States
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